willpower or motivation
Wednesday, July 8, 2015 at 08:00AM
Julia Holloman in After Surgery Transitions, Back To Basics, Basic Information, Food for Thought, Goal Setting , Inspiration, Lifestyle Changes, Long-term Maintenance , Making Choices, Mindset Changes, Overcoming Difficult Challenges

"It isn't willpower 

you need for weight loss -

it's motivation." 

Weight Loss Surgeon—Dr. Terri Simpson


What will inspire you to become the "new you"?

Willpower will only take us just so far, all by itself. What we need is a big helping of the proper motivation. The proper motivation will help us maneuver any obstacles that may stand in the way of reaching our ultimate goal. 

Before surgery, I had to pause and consider what it was that I really wanted. Considering things that would offer lasting rewards for a lifetime. 

I had to ask myself diagnostic questions, such as:

With my long-term goals defined, I was motivated to go for my goal. Although short-term motivators will help create milestones along the way—long-term motivations are crucial for long-term success.

Before weight loss surgery, I wanted a better quality of life, physically, emotionally, and relationally. I wanted better health which for me meant getting off prescription medication, (which only controlled my diabetes and high blood pressure to a limited degree.) I also wanted emotional freedom and a new positive self-image. These on-going long-term goals still inspire me today, nine years later.

My short-term desires (such as being able to sit in a plastic lawn chair without fear of breaking it, cross my legs, pick up things off the floor, tie my own shoes, fly without a seat beat extension, sit in a restaurant booth, wear a sweater dress or a khaki pencil skirt) were some of the many milestones that I realized as a result of reaching my long-term goals.

I encourage you to make a list of your motivating factors. Writing brings clarity. Your long-term goals should be strong enough to keep you going long-term—not just for the short-term. They will also serve as a consistent catalyst as you walk out of obesity—they will get you started on the road to success and keep you moving onward into your future—before and after weight loss surgery. 

Article originally appeared on Miles To Go - Weight Loss Surgery Blog - Gastric Bypass (http://milestogo.squarespace.com/).
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