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dump it

As weight-loss surgery patients, we all know about dumping and we want to avoid it at all cost. But here is one "dump" you will want to have—and that's a "brain dump".

Ever notice how much emotional and mental energy can be spent on unmanaged clutter or uncompleted tasks? Unidentified boundaries or unresolved relational issues can drain our energy and clutter our mind and emotions. These are called energy drainers.

But there is a way to let go of unwanted brain clutter—have a brain dump. A brain dump is when you identify your energy drainers then empty all the clutter from your mind by writing it down and organizing your thoughts.

Once you have pinpointed all your energy drainers, you can begin to set new boundaries, make needed changes, and free your mind of clutter.

Here's how:

restore and reenergize

Sitting down with a piece of paper, or a computer and write down all your thoughts, things that need to be done or remembered, or anything that is on your mind. Writing these down, places them on a do-able list instead of juggling them around in your head. This frees you mentally and also physically. 

Below is a list of some common energy drainers, plus a few of my own.  I'm sure you can add some more of your own.

• Clutter at work or home 
• Not enough sleep
• Constant worry
• Taking on too much responsibility
• Over committing or over scheduled your calendar
• Little time for hobbies or things you enjoy
• Lack of exercise
• Poor food choices
• Incomplete projects
• Failure to address issues or challenges, such as unresolved relational issues
• Allowing issues to build up
• Failure to set clear boundaries
• Not allowing yourself to say “NO”
• Unorganized house or work space
• Failure to clearly communicate your needs
• Stress at work
• Keeping a "mental" to-do list
• A home environment that does not reflect who you are

I challenge you to think about your own energy drainers and ask yourself two questions: “What would be possible if I no longer was tolerating these drains in my life” AND “What am I currently doing to address my energy drainers?”

Here's how to un-clutter your life in three easy steps: 

1) evaluate your energy and identify energy drainers
2) establish a do-able plan 
3) eliminate energy drainers - one at a time.

Yes, we can, we have many more miles to go!

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