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words are not just words

We hear and speak words all the time, but most of us seldom take the time to consider how words alter our perception of who we are.

I love to study words, but not just uncommon words we have never heard before, but everyday words we think we know the meaning of. Most of the time, I may think I know the meaning of a certain word, but when I actually look it up in the dictionary, I often find a deeper meaning, a whole new sense of wonder and a renewed sense of understanding about its meaning.   

The spoken word is actually not just a lifeless word; words are vibrations that cause movement. They change the atmosphere around us. When that movement is realized on our hearing ear, we are suddenly awakened into a different reality. 

We don't just hear words. Words are alive and active. They cause change. They cause us to think, feel, imagine, communicate, change, and heal. Words carry meaning. They matter. Words are powerful. They make a difference. They change us and the world around us. They hold the power to inspire, strengthen and empower.  They impute wisdom, provide understanding, reveal truth, give direction and create awareness.

I want to inspire you to take a look at the words you hear. Awaken your awareness to how you respond to the words you speak and the words you hear. How can you use the words you hear to change yourself, the way you feel about yourself and the world around you? I challenge you to examine the words around you to change your environment and your self-image for the positive. Make the healing, make the count for the good.

Words are not just words. Yes, you can. You have many more miles to go!

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