blue, red and purple
Sunday, March 22, 2020 at 11:00AM
Julia Holloman in After Surgery Transitions, Food Facts , Food Forks, Food Fun, Food for Thought, Health & Wellness, Hope and Help, Making Choices, Mindset Changes, Nutrition, Successful Eating, The Bariatric Kitchen , Tips for Life , Tools for Success

Recently I've been on a "blue, red and purple" kick. Alongside the greens, my refrigerator is full of blueberries, raspberries, and blackberries, and apples. My pantry is sporting black beans, purple and orange sweet potatoes, beets, and peppers. 

Yesterday, my daughter visited the local strawberry fields, and with the virus going around, they were delivering them to the car. Beautiful, sweet, crimson strawberries now join the list.

Honestly, I'm more of a blueberry, blackberry person than strawberries, but I must say, they are wonderful. After dinner last night, my husband and I treated ourselves to our season's first fresh strawberry shortcake. (Although I did manage to add a few of those blues and purples, to mine, I just couldn't help myself.)

These are the foods I love. I enjoy the variety, the color, the taste, the textures and the aromas.

After years of dieting, I had to make peace with food. For years I viewed food as the enemy. But it's not. It's our source of life and health. After surgery, I had to learn to view food in a different role. I had to get over the forbidden, off limits, bad, or illegal terminology.  I had to put food back in it's rightful place. I loved food before surgery, but now I love food even more. 

If you haven't had a mind change about food since you had weight loss surgery, it's time you did. We need to let food nourish our body, soul and spirit.

As a successful weight loss surgery patient of 14 years, I give you permission to change your mind about food. It's okay to enjoy what you eat. Food is good. Maybe you aren't into purple sweet potatoes or blackberries, but the idea is to try to find new and exciting foods that you haven't tried before. Have fun, get creative and try something new. Try a new food or maybe a new recipe with an old favorite, or both. These foods are not "bad", and they aren't just pretty, they hold great health benefits. Vibrant colors of red, purple and blue foods contain antioxidant and nutrients that build and support our immune system—and we could all use that right now.

They are good and delicious. Enjoy the flavor and the color—enjoy the healthy benefits with no reservation. Enjoy everything about them. Fall in love with food all over again. It thrills me to remember that God's bounty is colorful, fun and more importantly, lifegiving—after all, He made it for us, for our benefit, and our enjoyment. We are His tabernacle‚ a work of art, dressed for His Glory.

So weave a little color and excitement into your diet. Let those first, fresh burst of spring fill your plate, your body and your mind with health, wellness and joy. Yes, you can. You have many more miles to go!

Genesis 1.29  God said, "See, I give you every seed-bearing plant that is upon all the earth, and every tree that has seed-bearing fruit; they shall be yours for food.

Exodus 26:1-14 "Moreover you shall make the tabernacle with ten curtains of fine woven linen and blue, purple, and scarlet thread; with artistic designs of cherubim you shall weave them. 

Article originally appeared on Miles To Go - Weight Loss Surgery Blog - Gastric Bypass (
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