Welcome to my reading room.

I'm always reading.

In this section, I'll be sharing some of my latest discoveries!

You'll find books on cooking, health, exercise, faith or just about anything I happen to be interested in at the moment.

Have fun exploring and feel free to contribute some titles or comments on your latest discoveries!

 "It is what we know already that often prevents us from learning.

Claude Bernard


higher heights

Yesterday, I was inspired by reading excerpts from a book entitled, Peak Performance Principles for High Achievers, written by John R. Noe. He lists ten questions for determining if you are a high achiever. Here is one of the ten questions to ask.

First question: What am I willing to invest? “High achievement requires an enormous amount of commitment and energy.” He states that questions such as “how long will it take” or “how much further” are self-defeating. High achievers are willing to invest whatever it takes.

Next were six attitudes of high achievers. Here is one of the six. “High achievers make no small plans.” “…high achievers realize that small, everyday choices are the agents that ultimately shape the big decisions of our lives.” He advises those wanting to be high achievers to seize control of life’s little choices. Determine ahead how your day will be spent, not only making plans for accomplishing the things we will do today, but having a plan for when you don’t have anything to do.

He sums up the book by recalling Noe’s belief that if we continually dedicate ourselves to the goal and resist the urge to become discouraged by the task – every one of us can become a high achiever.

Noe notes that reaching our peak performance requires being “fully equipped” and aiming toward even higher heights. Propelling yourself forward from where you are to reach the next intermediate goal. Weight loss surgery can give you the tools you need to reach the peak of high achievement. I am striving to become a high achiever…you can too. Yes you can…you have many more miles to go!

Posted on Wednesday, July 9, 2008 at 08:57AM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

keep it hot !


In case you missed it, I am passionate about my new lifestyle and the benefits afforded with weight loss surgery.  Ok...in all fairness to you veterans, I may still be in the "honeymoon stage", but like any "marriage" it takes lots of hard work to keep the "fires aflame", and I intend to keep it going as long as possible.  I have been at this long enough to know that it does get harder and harder.  Those habits and changes that we are suppose to make in the beginning start to make themselves evident as weight loss continues and you get closer to your goal  weight. It's never too late to establish good habits and I feel that reading and inspiration from others is what keeps me on the straight and narrow as well as remind me of the basics and  to get back on track when I slide off from time to time.  Like in marriage, I can't blame the surgery if it didn't "do the job" I have to assume the responsiblity for making the tool work. 

I have been married to love of my life for almost 33 years now, and it just keeps getting better.  Yes, we have had our up and downs, but we have made the commmitment to make it work. We don't consider any other option.  Our marriage has to be the focus and it takes time and effort.  So does maintaining a healthy lifestyle...it takes time and committment.  For me success is my only option.  I have to make it work...and like any good marriage,  it just gets better as time goes on.  Just as I am proud to walk down the street on my husband's arm, I am just as excited to share my weight loss surgery success with others... 

Here is a list of books and resources I have found helpful. I will be sharing more as I find them. 

  • The Success Habits of Weight-Loss Surgery Patients by Colleen M. Cook
  • Daily Inspiratoins for Weight Loss Surgery Patients by Katie Jay and Julia A. F. Persing
  • Losing The Last 30 lbs.  Fundamentals of Weight Loss  by Terry Simpson, MD    (Lap-band surgeon)
  • Before & After  / Living & Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery  by Susan Maria Leach 
  • What Can I Eat?  A Guide to Nutrition After Gastric Bypass by Arlene Swantko, R.D., LD
  • Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery by Patt Levine and Michele Bontempo-Saray  (cookbook)
  • Weight Loss Surgery, A Lighter Look ...at a heavy subject by Terry Simpson, MD (Lap-band surgeon)
  • Living a Lighter Lifestyle by Gaye Andrews PHD, LMFT
  • Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies
  • New Moves, New Tastes, The New You,  Barbara Erfurt, MPH, ACSM
  • WLS Lifestyles Magazine and online Magazine
  • OH Magazine

Let me hear from you.  Share with us your favorites.      

Weight loss surgery and you:  a marriage made in heaven:  keep it hot!


Posted on Friday, June 6, 2008 at 11:11AM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | Comments1 Comment
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