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My occasional Saturday morning cruise through Costco lands some pretty good finds, and today was no exception.  My husband and I love those taste test and it's a great way to sample new product. 

Sometimes he threatens just to take me there for lunch! He's just kidding, of course, but I do have to be careful...too much tasting and I could call it lunch! I usually limit myself to mostly protein and veggie items or protein bars, and just a few, boy, you could really fill up fast!

You probably know by now, if you have read my blog for a while, I’m a great lover of beans. So when I tasted Tasty Bite Madras Lentils, I was hooked. I think it was the first time I ever took lentils seriously, and these are seriously delicious!

Here's why you should love lentils too:

Lentils are actually seeds that grow in pods, they come in different colors and sizes and are great for absorption of warm and tasty flavors and spices. Lentils are legumes along with other types of beans.

Tasty Bite Madras Lentils are great for most any food phase after bariatric surgery, except clear liquids. You could even run them through a food processor to puree them even more, even thought they are pretty near that already, the beans are really small and tender. A hand held food blender is a quick and handy tool for any kitchen.

Here's the scoop on Tasty Bite Madras Lentils

half the package has 6 fats

18 carbs

5 fiber

2 sugars

7 protein

Lentils make a great side dish for protein. 

With these lentils you could use it as a soup, side dish or even a tasty chili for hot dogs...the healthy kind of course...more about hot dogs later...I'm getting prepared to do a taste test and nutritional comparison on hot dogs...in the meantime, give these red lentils a try!

Here are the ingredients: water, ,lentils red beans, tomatoes, onions, cream, butter, salt, sunflower oil, chilies, and cumin. It says spicey, but they aren't hot at all. 

And the best part...just heat and eat. 

Posted on Saturday, July 17, 2010 at 12:49PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

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