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the cost of living

 Most things in life come with a price. The price sets its value. Even things that can't be purchased with money have a price, including losing weight and gaining health. Beyond the O. R. there are other costs to consider with weight loss surgery aside from the monetary cost of the operation.

Surgery itself comes with risks. Afterwards, our success in this endeavor demands that we commit to follow up with appropriate medical care, take our vitamins, exercise, and learn to eat well.

Weight Loss Surgery is a tool. This tool just makes the job doable, but the doing is up to you. It can be summed up with making healthy lifestyle choices.

Patients, who reach their ideal body weight and improve their health, do so with hard work, diligent compliance and life long commitment. Losing weight after surgery will happen, but reaching your goal and keeping it off requires a life-style change. It’s all about setting your mind to the task and being willing to pay the price. It isn’t a diet you can quit when you get tired or don’t like it. It is a life-changing decision. Even lap-band surgery should not be looked upon as reversible. These changes are for life.

And life it is! Life and health. Life has so many great rewards. Surgery is the first step on the path to a rewarding and positive change. Your commitment to that change will be the key to losing weight and keeping it off. Are you willing to pay the price? The price for life and health will cost you something.

The goal is to reach health through balance, and a "normal" and regular healtlhy well - balanced meal plan.  

Is the path you are on, giving you the results you desire? We pay a heavy price for being overweight, with life threatening diseases such as sleep apnea, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes.

Yes, there is a price to pay for regaining your life and health. Are you ready? You can do it….you have many more miles to go!

Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 at 09:59PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

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