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news from the dryer

There were times after my surgery, especially after I started wearing smaller size clothes, that I was hesitant to put my clothing in the dryer. Before losing weight, I would never put my clothes in the dryer, they might shrink and I needed every mili-second of material there was.

As my clothes got more roomy, I began to put them into the dryer to shrink them, on purpose—what a concept! 

During the season of time that I my mind just couldn't wrap itself around the fact that the clothes that went into the dryer were really mine when they came out dry and clean, it seemed like a dream. Someone surely was playing tricks on me. These couldn't be my clothes. They looked too small, to fit me.  

I have stood in front of the dryer many times and tried on my clothes to make sure I could still wear them, and to my surprise—they did fit.  

It is strange, but it is possible to believe two conflicting truths, the former truth and the real present one. I had to get my mind and my body on the "same page".  It took more than trying on clothes, or standing in front of the mirror or even the long talks I had with myself, in hopes that I would one day believe it was real.

It took examining my thoughts, getting to the core belief, dealing with the past truth and replacing it with the present truth. I had told myself for so long that I would never change and it would always be the same—and I believed it. I had to intentionally change that believe.

Things do change. I changed. Once I uncovered the old belief system that was telling me things hadn't changed—confronted it, tore the un-true beliefs that still existed in my mind, and replaced it—my thinking and actions caught up with the present. Acceptance is the key to changing your mind and actions associated with mind set changes.

After that, I stood in front of the washer and dryer on laundry day, smoothly retrieving my clothes from the dryer, and hang them on their hangers. Since then, it never occurs to me to try them on or even question the fact that I can still wear them.  

It's funny things most people take for granted, not to me...it's one of the miracles that has occurred within. Not only am I different on the outside, I'm different on the inside and there is a miracle everyday. Even in the most ordinary, mundane, everyday, things most people take for granted...there appears an extra ordinary, super fabulous, colossal, supercalafradulisticexpialidocious, wonder. Soon I will be celebrating my 13th year from surgery - life after surgery is good.

To read more on how to "change your mindset" and behavioral changes after weight loss surgery, get my book Out of Obesity, and into the Promised Land"

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