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dining-out in-order

I'm almost 13 years out from weight loss surgery, but one of the things that gets me in the most trouble when eating out is the "order" in which I eat the food items. Or in other words, the temptation to eat food items "out of order".

By that, I mean, most restaurants serve items like bread or chips first. For gastric bypass patients, these high carbohydrate food items can cause a wonderful dinner night-out to quickly become a dreaded disaster.

But this challenge can quickly and wisely be eliminated with just a few adjustments in the "order" that food items come to your table.

First, let's talk about drinking liquids. Filling your tummy with liquid will leave no room for food. All beverages should be consumed at least 30 minutes before your meal.

I always have something to drink on the way to the restaurant, to insure I have plenty of time for it to leave my pouch without feeling deprived. If it's going to be an extended dining experience and I have time to allow 30 minutes or so for liquids to leave my pouch before food is served, I can comfortably indulge in a few sips of my favorites like unsweet tea or coffee. (just no carbonation, please). 

Next, protein must be eaten first to insure that blood sugar levels don't rise too quickly or cause unwanted dumping. Carbohydrates eaten first or without protein, spells double trouble.

Ask your server to hold the bread or chips; if it's not on the table, it's not as tempting. Order it at the end, if you still want it. 

Next, consider ordering a protein appetizer. This way you get to eat the right food in the right order. Most of the time no one will be the wiser, or think it's odd. My favorite protein appetizer is meatballs. Most meatballs have a few carbohydrates but the hamburger is digested slowly enough to keep you stable. Then for your main meal, (sides) such as green beans, a potato, or pasta are good carbohydrates options.

Eat slowly, chewing well, while you enjoy the experience of your time out. Then, waiting (at least 30 minutes to an hour) after the meal to drink beverages will eliminate any discomfort and danger of stretching your stomach. Stretching your stomach pouch isn't just painful, it is extremely dangerous.

Chances are, if you have eaten correctly you will be too full for bread or dessert, but leaving room to have one to two small bites of dessert or bread as a "finisher" to the meal, is perfectly acceptable.

Following these simple guidelines will ensure that you will enjoy your dining-out experience with no regrets. 

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