Losing weight and regaining health require staying hydrated. Find out what that looks like and why it's important after weight-loss surgery. 




sip, sip, sip 

It's been a very stressful week for me...and included in the everyday stresses and pressures of life, I had to say goodbye to Teddy Bear, our little black Pomeranian of almost 13 years.

During these stressful days I found myself wanting to turn to food.  But this time I was able to divert my attention to other things.  

One of the things I turned to instead of food was to remember to sip a calorie free beverage.  It really helped pull me through some "wanting to eat  - just for the heck of it" times. I noticed for the first time how often I was searching  for comfort food.  

Some of the alternative I try are: iced coffee or tea, or water with lemon or a squeeze of orange.Sometimes I add mint, ice and a straw to water instead of drinking it plain. Homemade sugar free lemonade is also a regular at our house.  

Make sure you're aware of those situations that might cause you to slip back into bad habits and be creative in finding a solution you can live with for a lifetime.  

To sip your way to good health, even in the most stressful of times.  

Posted on Wednesday, February 10, 2010 at 06:08PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

it's time for tea


Weight loss surgery presents itself with many challenges and opportunities for change. One of the changes we face is giving up those bubbly beverages including soft drinks. So we need a replacement. 

Ok, water is a good one, but in my book, tea is my number one favorite. They don't call tea the "wine of the South" for nothing, you know?

I drink tea all day long. Hot, cold, luke warm, I really don't care...I just love tea. I keep a cup of iced or hot tea with me all day.  

Unsweetened, that is! Ok, a little Splenda works! ...and lemon...lots and lots of lemon!

I start my day drinking tea before breakfast. I try to get in about 2 cups within the first hour of waking. Then breakfast. If you're just out from surgery, you won't be able to get in that much before breakfast, but any amount is good. Remember, the daily goal is 8 cups, so sip, sip, sip. It didn't take long for me to develop a habit of getting in those ounces first thing in the AM.

Here's the great thing about tea:  A published nutritional review of tea research conducted at King's College in the United Kingdom showed that tea hydrates the body as effectively as water.  As a matter of fact, it was found that tea offers, along with it's fluid replacement, antioxidants. Tea also helps raise your metabolic rate, especially green tea.  It's helpful in lowering bad LDL as well as improving blood flow.  Tea also has a mild diuretic effect, and along with lemon...a great combination for reducing fluid retention.    

There is so much to learn about the health-ful properties of tea.

At home, I always drink decaf and usually keep a stack of tea bags in my purse for hot tea occasions - on the go.  I've even been known to order a cup of hot water and a glass of ice and make my own decaf ice tea, at the table. Ok, I'll admit I'm addicted, and maybe a little unique, but one thing is certain, when it comes to hydration—it's tea for me! 

One of my all time hot tea favorites...Republic of Tea.  (do a blog search, to the left). There are so may great flavors and varieties of tea, now...I like Red Rose, decaf, for iced tea.  You could keep yourself busy just trying new flavors at your local grocery not to mention specialty shops. Republic of Tea has great information on teas on their website.  Green, white and black teas have less caffeine than regular tea. Black tea has half the caffeine as a regular cup of coffee.   

Ok...my favorite tea "pit stop" when I'm out and about is Moe's Southwest grill...they have the best iced tea in town. My husband didn't understand my obsession with Moe's iced tea until he tried it a few days ago! He announced excitedly that, "This is really good tea!".  Yep....told ya!  OK...I had to ask, they use Royal Cup.

So if you're missing soft drinks...it's time for tea! Yes, we can! We have many more miles to go! 

Posted on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 at 02:34PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

tired of water? 

Tired of water? 

Eat too much salt, or just having trouble consuming all that water or liquids during the day? 

Then its time to spice it up...and I may have found a solution...well, it works for me.

Years ago, on one of my 1000 visits to Weight Watchers, I discovered the heath benefits of drinking water and was convinced to give up my two 2 liter bottles of soda each day and give it a try.  Problem was, drinking water, well...it made me heave...yuck! 

So I had to be creative to find a way to get it in.  Here's what helped me get down my daily supply:

Serve over ice, add a straw, and keep a glass in hand or near all day, taking small sips.  Don't think about how much you have to drink, just sip...sip...sip...you will be amazed at how much you can drink. 

And it helps adding a little flavor as well. Right after surgery, you may find it helpful to add a little something to your water, such as lemon, if you find that plain water hurts your new pouch.  Sometimes even drinking water a little warmer helps relax stomach muscles, especially for lap-band patients. 

I usually start with water first thing in the morning, drinking about 2 cups before breakfast.  They say it's best to eat breakfast within an hour of rising, so that gives me a little time. So why not sit a glass near while you get dressed. 

Give the water about fifteen minutes  leave your pouch, then eat breakfast. After eating breakfast, wait about 1 to 1 1/2 hours and have another glass. Start drinking slowly by taking small sips until you know that all your food has left your pouch, if so, try drinking as much as you can till about 15 minutes before lunch.    

Add a little more flavor with some ingredients you may not have considered.

I recently found this recipe, now I must say that some of these ingredients didn't "float my boat" at first, but after giving it a try, I'm hooked.

Not only does it taste good, but after doing a little research, I found they have several medicinal qualities to boot!

Start by measuring out in a container:

  • 8 cups of water for the day

then add:

  • 1 teaspoon freshly grated ginger root
  • 1 lemon, sliced thin
  • 1 medium cucumber, sliced thin
  • 10 or 12 mint leaves, give them a slight crush with your fingers

You can make it the night ahead and chill, drink chilled or serve it over ice...yum

The extra bonus benefits...One of the main mineral components of cucumber is silica which improves the health and appearance of your skin.  Ginger, helps to sooth your GI track.  Lemon, although acidic, actually helps alkalize your blood help flush out toxins in your body. Mint has been found to aid in digestion, sooths the stomach, and freshens your breath. 

Enjoy...yes, you can...I just did!

Posted on Monday, November 16, 2009 at 09:11AM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

spice up your life


With the arrival of fall comes cozy warm blankets, a stack of books by the fire and a cup of something hot…whether you’re recovering from surgery or just taking a coffee break…let me share some of my favorite discoveries this week.


I’ve been listening to a CD about giving your body what its really hungry for and becoming aware of what we eat! Actually it’s about breaking free from emotional eating, entitled, Bite by Bite by Geneen Roth. Well, it seems this week, my body has been asking for protein shakes and something “spicy”…like orange spice tea and pumpkin spice coffee…go figure! Or maybe its just the left over residue of my eleven years of homeschooling my three children and our fall studies of Columbus, the spice routes of the explorers and all those science experiments. Ummmmm…


Getting enough fluids can be easier to remember when the weather is scorching hot, but don’t forget to get plenty of fluids in the winter, also. How about spicing it up with hot teas and coffees. I just discovered a wonderful decaffeinated Pumpkin Spice Coffee at The Fresh Market. I was delighted to find it in decaf. You can make it a protein shake by adding a few scoops of protein.


Teas are a big hit these days and my favorite today is Orange Spice…warm and yummy! Garnish with a cinnamon stick!

Posted on Monday, November 17, 2008 at 02:47PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | Comments2 Comments

time for tea

At the Holloman home it’s always time for tea, iced or hot. You know what they say about tea? It’s the wine of the south.

Most of my family prefers to drink tea iced, but with the arrival of cooler weather, there is nothing that says warmth like a hot cup of tea. Just the thought of simply relaxing with warm tea at the end of the day, ...ahhh...and my favorite brand is Republic of Tea.

Why do I prefer Republic of Tea? I like flavored varieties, like Apricot, Açai (ah-sigh-ee), and Orange Spice. Their flavors are unique and inviting. Green and white teas are naturally low in caffeine and high in anti oxidants. Even the black varieties have half the caffeine as regular tea. And did you know that drinking green tea has been shown to: protect against heart disease by regulating cholesterol and preventing clots, helps prevent various types of cancer, helps suppress the growth of tumors, and reduces cavities since it is a great source of fluoride.

And my favorite thing about Republic of tea is that is comes intravel size tins...and when you get on their mailing list for a catalog, you get a free sample with each issue!  Thanks, Republic of Tea!

So the next time you're feeling stressed out from a long day, get cozy with a nice cup of hot tea, a good book, a blanket and unwind…thanks to the Republic of Tea!


Posted on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 at 10:43AM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment