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between the lips 

I have been doing a lot of calculating and counting, and measuring...these days!  

...and once again...

I have discovered a simple, yet somewhat complicated solution...for balancing my hypoglycemia and returning to weight loss maintenance. 

Simple, because my carb counts (seem to be) the villain to my issue....and complicated because it depends on which carbs I eat and what and when I eat them. 

But mostly, it's been returning to the guidelines and rules I was given in the beginning...with a few tweaks...

The story:  The first several years after weight loss and surgery, I followed the 5, 10, 15 guideline.  Over time even though I was adhering to this guideline, I have discovered that I can't eat the same things I did before.

One thing I'm wondering, if having my gall bladder out a few months before I starting having this difficulty has any relation to how my body processes carbs. Don't know...but either way, it's out now and I must learn to live without it and manage my hypoglycemia.   

And, since I was being careful with measuring, my carb count had gone either under too much or a little above the 15 to 20 count.  Even not eating enough carbs could drop my blood sugar.  Before, even though I followed the guideline, a once in a while stray did not cause a problem. 

The moral of the story: guard what passes between the lips !  

Here are a few things that have helped me manage my weight and hypoglycemia, so far. 

1. Eat adequate protein and eat it first.

2. Eat carbohydrates, in whole food form, little to no processed food. Keep the counts with in the 15 to 20 grams of carbs per meal.  No white processed foods.  (This count is a good "guideline", however for me personally dealing with sensitivity to carbs, it is a must).  

3. Eat 5 to 6 meals a day, not just "snacks", but meals. Eating adequate meal volume keeps hunger away and blood sugars stable.

4. Keep food in the pouch for as along as possible, I don't drink after eating a meal for at least 60 to 90 minutes. Then slowly begin drinking...when I can tolerate liquids and my pouch is empty...I drink like crazy until the next meal. Hydration is crutial...64 fluid ounces a day! You will know by the "fullness" level whether your pouch is empty or not.  Liquids should be non caloric.  

5. Move, move, move. I know, I know, exercise is a "bad" word, but increasing activity and exercise is a huge key to maintaining healthy weight. It can be as simple as having fun, parking further from the store front, playing with the kids in the park, swimming, bike riding, a leisurely stroll around the block...just get moving! 

6. Solid food, as soon as you pass your weight loss phase, give up liquid protein supplements for real food, stick to real solid food and keep it in your pouch for as long a possible.   

You'll get the hang of it in no time at all...I believe in you...believe in yourself...yes, you can...you have many more miles to go!

Posted on Friday, May 28, 2010 at 09:49AM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

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