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steady as we go

Our sense of balance is controlled by a combination of three senses: equilibrioception (determined by the vestibular system in our inner ear, which detects acceleration and rotational movement), proprioception (which gives you the ability to sense the relative positions of your body parts) and vision.

While it's possible to balance while relying on just your equilibrioceptive and proprioceptive senses, adding a third sense, vision, makes it much easier for the average person.

Here is an fun test, try standing on a BOSU® ball, balancing with both feet on the ball. The BOSU® acronym stands for “Both Sides Utilized.” Balancing on the ball works your core muscle strength and your balance.

After you find your balance, then try it with your eyes closed. A little harder isn't it!  It’s amazing that you instantly lose your balance. In order to stay balanced with our eyes closed, we must retrain our mind to refocus from the external visuals to an internal mindset focus.

Weight loss surgery is about balance, too. Balancing your diet, exercise and mindset or your total person, mind, emotions and spiritual along with the physical. If our focus gets out of balance we tend to lose our stability in other areas. We, too, must learn to shift our focus from the physical to other areas that can cause us to become a little lopsided.

Trainers say vision is not enough to keep you stable on uneven ground.  We must develop other senses to keep us steady.   So it is in life...

So today, I invite you to stay focused on your goal and overall objective for wanting to lose weight. So while you are making decisions to be active, choosing what you will eat, along with improving relationships, keep those areas of purpose in the right “position”, focus on what it is you want and you will begin to “accelerate” towards your dreams.

Let’s do our best to focus on bringing our entire self into proper balance …stay tuned for more…yes, you can, you have many more miles to go.

Posted on Friday, February 27, 2009 at 12:02PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

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