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interval walking


I have discovered a new exciting walking routine, interval walking.  Interval walking involves faster walking periods followed by recovery or resting walks. Fast intervals walking can be faster than your normal pace. Start each interval workout starts with a 10-minute warm-up that includes strolling and stretching, this time can be slower than your steady walking pace.

Every faster interval you do benefits your body more than ordinary walking. As you walk faster, your body responds with increased heart beats, indicating a higher demand for oxygen. That strengthens your heart and increases your blood flow. Your muscles work harder and develop new muscle fiber. You burn calories faster and boost your fitness by teaching your body to hold a faster pace.

Here's how: Fast walking intervals are followed by slower paced walking intervals at a steady stroll. This is called your "recovery interval." Walk slowly, allowing your breathing to return to normal, and then speed up for a fast interval. The recovery interval should be about twice as long as your faster walking interval. Repeat this pattern as often as you like.

After completing your interval walking workout, cool down for about 10 minutes and stretch your calves, shin muscles, hamstrings, quadriceps and lower back.

If you're interested in walking together, send me an email to find out times.  I walk almost everyday at the Loop at Wrightville Beach, morning preferred, always on Saturday.  See ya there!  Yes, you can, you have many more miles to go! 

Posted on Monday, April 20, 2009 at 07:08PM by Registered CommenterJulia Holloman | CommentsPost a Comment

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